Recently Completed Projects

(Click the Picture to see the videos)

Agricultural Battery Storage Project, Moorpark, CA

Riverside County Solar Car Port Project

Elevator Emergency Battery Backup Projects

Santa Ana Rooftop Solar Project

Lake Forest Rooftop Solar and Battery Storage Project

Lake Forest UPS System

– This Battery Backup System contains 1 UPS Controller accompanied by 5 External Battery Packs.


– The system is in place to provide uninterrupted power to specialized lab equipment, specifically PCR machines.


– Installed above the panels is a wrap around bypass switch. This enables the system to be shutoff for installation or repairs, without interrupting power to equipment.


– In total, the system stores 8hrs of Backup Power.

Before and After Photos

OC Megachurch LED Project

San Fernando Carport Construction

Battery Storage Applications

Peak Shaving

Load Shifting

Emergency Backup


Renewable Integrations

Grid Services

Quality Innovation

We Believe in Quality

EIS was formed by joining together experts in all areas of energy solution technologies; solar, battery, energy management software, LED lighting, finance and construction development. EIS continues to research and test the latest technology, combine with our products and services and bring to our customer base.  Our focus is on the most cost effective way to create energy savings, enhance the value of the property, strengthening relationships with tenants, owners and management; all while establishing the best return on investment for our client.

BBp & EIS Product Brochure

Battery Backup

Backup battery provides power to a system when the primary source of power is unavailable. Backup batteries range from small single cells to retain clock time and date in computers, up to large battery room facilities that power uninterruptible power supply systems.


No greenhouse gas emissions are released into the atmosphere when you use solar panels to create electricity. And because the sun provides more energy than we’ll ever need, electricity from solar power is a very important energy source in the move to clean energy production.


Also known as combined heat and power (CHP), is the simultaneous production of multiple forms of energy from a single fuel source, such as natural gas.

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Battery Storage

UPS Products




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(949) 929-3242